AS Opening Sequence


Thursday 24 September 2009

Canon XHA1

From my research I found out that the Cannon XHA1 is very good and powerful camera, it is very professional and is handheld hdv(high deinition video) camcorder. The cameras are mostly directed to and used by independent/documentary filmakers, broadcasters and journalists.
I also found out that with the canon XHA1 video camcorder there are customizations to the image on the camera, including gamma, knee, black levels, colour gain, and sharpness settings, these customizations help adjust what you can see in the frame and how you see it to create a sense of mood, if wanted.

This is an example of how, analogue has evolved into digital over the years and how it has happened, the differences and change its made and how its taken media to another level.
digital media is widely used throughout the world. Its made a change to what we see on screen, the sharpness and motion of whats seen on screen, the quality and professionalism of it. it it used by many hollywood filmakers and big media industries all over the world.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Walking to a door.

[Shot 1]
- shot 1 is a close up of a girl(rebbecca from our group.using rule of the thrids rebbecca is positions in the middle vertical lining of the frame
- the frame is meant to capture the facial expressions (sadness) of rebbecca to create sense of mise-en-scene.

[Shot 2]
- shot 2 is a long shot. the use of this shot is to capture the two main subjects of the in the frame, firstly the girl(rebecca) and the second subject is the in the background, the door. this frame is trying to give an insight to the audience of where the frame is leading us. with our eyes directed to the right at the first subject, we then swiftly move on to the next thing that we see, the door on the left. rebbeccas facial expressions is quite usefull in this frame,her eyes direct straight to the door, so when we look at her, we then start to look at what she is looking at. i think my group was very successfull in achieving this effect of guiding the audience.

[Shot 3]
- shot 3 is similar to shot 2,although the difference is the type of shot, a medium-long shot. this shot is to show that rebbecca has gotten closer towards the door. this shot is successfull as we can see what rebbecca is walking towards the door, however, room for improvement could be, that we should think about having the door more in the shot, as not everybody would be entirely clear that it's a door, so therefore, the meaning of the frame might be conveyed to all viewers effectively. Also a problem in the frame is other doors are viewable in the background behind her which might confuse people as to which door she is going to, or what she is actually doing. the door in front of her should have been positioned mor ein the frame and the background doors should have been positioned out of the frame in oder to avoid confusion.

[Shot 4]
shot 4 is very similar to shot 3. which after reviewing this shot does raise questions as to how successfull or how usefull and needed it is. the shot again has doors in the background which sets a bit confusion. however, it does capture rebbeccas facial expression in a more assuring way, we can tell her emotions. the mid-shot used helps us see her facial expressions.

[shot 5]
shot 5 is a longshot of the door. it is postioned right in the middle which suggest importance. the door is a subject that is important and relates to the other frames. the shot of just the door and nothing else helps us direct our eyes right to it and tells us the door is important in these shots. however, even though the shot is a long shot it isnt of the whole entire door as some of the door is cut of in the frame, this is a accidental fault though.

[shot 6]
shot 6 is a close up the rebbaccas hand griped on the handle of the door. we are certain this is the handle of a door as the long shot in shot 5 helped us indicate the silver shiny handle on the door and we could relate this to shot 6 as we find the same handle in it. the positioning of the hand and the handle seems good to me although, to improve, it could be positioned more in the middle.

[shot 7]
shot 7 is a medium-long shot. Showing rebbecca opening the door. the door has now changed position and we can see it opening, this shows something happening in the frame. however it isnt that clear that its a door, more of it should be shown from the front in this frame.

[Shot 8]
shot 8 is meant to be a long shot of the door, however it looks more of a medium-long shot. the door is now closed in this frame and rebbecca is out of the frame. this suggest the door has been closed.