AS Opening Sequence


Sunday 15 November 2009

'Little Blue' Treatment

First Treatment

Little girl, wants to be accepted, she’s different and unique, kind and easily liked. She wants to be accepted by her step sister. Who is driven by jealously and envy because of the love the little receives instead of her. In the end the little girl’s compassion and unconditional love shows the sister how wrong she’s been, and she changes her ways, with a new found love for her sister.
• Little girl is loved by mother and father
• Step sister is jealous
• Bullies little girl with friends
• Witch finds her crying, offers to help – gives name little blue
• Witches give her sweets to earn steps sister love
• Little girl tries to gain acceptance by herself, but fails
• Step sister shuns her more
• Witch decides to teach sister a lesson
• Little girl stops her
• Step sister realises how wonderful her little sister is
• They make up
• Witches job is done and leaves
• Happy end

Little BlueTagline‘Love turns sorrow into happiness’Or ‘The sweetest thing’


The story of little blue is one of loss, envy and unconditional love. As this sweet little girl offers her love to someone who only offers hate in return, she tries to close the every growing gap between sisters, using a little magic along the way.TreatmentLittle Blue tells the tale of a little girl’s want of her stepsisters love. We begin our story with little blue being doted on by her parents, hand in hand, laughing and smiling her beloved smile, her blue coat making her stand out from others. Her sister hangs behind the loving scene, looking any where but the trio. / - other idea - with little blue, running from room to room, retracing discarded pens and papers from around the house preparing for school. Her parents help and laugh on at their precious daughters rushing, an older girl is still in her room, laying on her bed she frowns at the echoes of laughter and motherly cooing outside her door. Her father calls to her and as she rises from her bed she looks longingly at a picture of a woman by her bedside, getting up and closing the door behind her. As the story continues while the stepsister ignores little blue at home it’s rather the opposite at school, the stepsister along with her friends terrorise the little girl, to her the little girl has everything that should be hers, after her mother was ripped away from her the girl took away her father too. Why should she have to be the one to feel so alone? After a confrontation from the girls little blue runs away and hides away, while crying her unstopping tears an old lady approaches her, she asks why a lovely little girl should be so blue, as the girl confesses her sisters actions the lady comforts her, and presents her with some sweets, but no ordinary sweets, she asks little blue to give these to her sister, and she will love her. However little blue is unsure to give her step sister the sweets, she feels a simple token will not be enough to earn her sisters love. As she attempts to help her sister as much as she can, from completing her chores to taking the blame for her sister purposeful bad behaviour, however this only angers the step sister as her little sisters tries to not only look better for completing her jobs but also taking credit for her tries to gain attention. The stepsister friends take little blues bag, finding the sweets, they tempt the sister to eat them while little blues tries in vain to take them back. The sister argues back, once again she tries to take something all to herself, but before the step sister can join her friends in eating the sweets they suddenly turn of her, becoming furious and jealous of the step sister, as they continue to abuse her little blue stands up for her sister, confessing how wonderful her sister is in her eyes, stopping the girls insults. So touched by her little sister outburst she realises how wrong she’s been and confesses her own horrid treatment of her sister was her blaming her for her mothers death and fathers remarrying, and she was the one who had isolated herself. At this the witch appears revealing the spell on the friends reflected the step sisters own foolish feelings, and it was only little blues love that could cure both the friends and the sister.

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