AS Opening Sequence


Tuesday 20 October 2009

Opening Sequences

this is the opening of the film 'the fast and the furious', it can not be uploaded on the blog as there is no embeding code available for it.

In this opening sequence I can relate it straight away to cars. This is what the film is about. The shiny and flashy metal font of the title of the film is shown at the start which I can relate to cars, big metal machines, we mostly see men in the very early stages of the opening sequence making it very manly which relates to cars too. So in all it fits in the genre of the film. The soundtrack at the beginning is a very cool and fast tempo; it makes me get in the mood for something ‘wild and exciting. In the early stages of the opening sequence there is hardly any talking, but there is always something to look at, and this is so effective in engaging the audience that a voiceover or someone to talk us through this is not needed, however, though it engages me into the film, I feel confused or left in a state to wonder what is actually happening, I can sense a crime happening but I feel confusion in why it is happening and how it relates to cars, and how the whole situation is linking together, but in my opinion, by leaving me in suspense means it is successful as it has drawn me to the film and actually got me thinking about it and to think about ‘what happens next?’.

1 comment:

  1. Iman,

    Useful analysis including your thoughts on how sound is used. I suggest you look at a variety of genres and consider how a sense of place, themes and character is set up at the start of the film. You will need more examples as part of Research and Plannin.
