AS Opening Sequence


Thursday 29 October 2009

Research & Planning


A fairy tale is a fictional story that may feature folkloric characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, giants, gnomes, and talking animals, and a lot of the time enchantments, often involving a farfetched series of events. In modern-day manner of speaking, the term is also describes something blessed with princesses, as in "fairy tale ending" (a happy ending) or "fairy tale romance". In the informal use of the everyday terms "fairy tale" or "fairy story" can also be interpreted as any far-fetched story, meaning it could be something very dreamy and imaginative and in the realistic world something unrealistic. Fairy tales usually draw young children since they easily understand the typical characters in the story.
Vietnamese story
Danish story
Greek story

These are a few fairytales, some are unusual and some contain teachings from it. For example tam and cam are two sisters, tam is a good and nice girl, cam however is not, she is jealous and mean, the story ends in the bad person (cam) loosing out, and the good one (tam) winning, cam is rid of, and tam has a happy ever after. It teaches if you’re bad you won’t get far and if you are good you will have a happy ever after.

An example of an Arabic fairytale story

This is a good example of a fairytale as it contains such common factors of a fairytale like a hero and villain and a king, queen, prince, and a princess.

This is another fairytale called tortoise and hare
It’s a very good example of a story with moral behind it, so it offers teachings.
For example the moral of this story is that even if it seems that you are not the quickest or best a particular task, which may not be the case. Do you best from the beginning to end and you will know where you stand. It may prove that someone who seems more skilled at something may not be and another moral could be to not ‘judge a book by its cover’

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