AS Opening Sequence


Wednesday 7 October 2009

Indie filmaking

How is it possible anyone today can become a filmmaker?
Independent filmmakers in comparrison to mainstream filmmakers.
Advantages and disadvantages of film and digital technology?

What is filmmaking? (Definition)
Filmmaking is the process of making a film, from an initial story idea or commission, through scriptwriting, shooting, editing and distribution to an audience. Typically, it involves a large number of people, and takes from a few months to several years to complete. Filmmaking takes place all over the world in a huge range of economic, social, and political contexts, and using a variety of technologies and techniques.


It’s the 21st century and already we have embraced an uncountable amount of events that have changed our lives, made improvements, discoveries, developments etc in different aspects of our daily lives. As we all grow up we are constantly introduced to new things that make our life better and easier and convenient. Technology in the 21st century is rapidly improving and developing and growing, and this I can link to the sector of media with filmmaking/makers. Basically, today’s world has so much technology especially in media, cameras and it’s technology has grown so much and still is developing more and more, we are actually past the stage where film cameras were first introduced and made, we are now at the stage where there are so many cameras available, that anyone can easily walk into a shop and purchase a camcorder, they are easily accessible to anyone and there is quite a variety. This gives anyone the chance to self-invite themselves into the media scene and be a part of the filmmaking experience. Most filmmakers start of as independent filmmaker which is also known as ‘indie filmmaker’. Firstly it is actually quite easy to become a filmmaker and learn to become one, without having to become involved in the mainstream filmmaking industries, as an independent filmmaker, you have access to DV (digital video) technology since that production has become democratized, which means everyone is literally given the right/freedom or accessibility to produce their own film. Most independent filmmakers don’t have the money to invest into there films or aspects to making a film, e.g. when it comes to the marketing and distribution of the film, This means, how will they promote there movie, how will they get there film to as many people as they can? Today, there are numerous and very successful ways to get a indie filmmakers film into the scene, without the need of money even. YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and even sites especially made for indie filmmakers are available and FREE to the public, which are very effective and useful ways of promoting the film, this is how it has been made so easy for ordinary normal people witht the drive to involve themself into the media scene to actuall do it, without any obstacles, and is why it is possible today for anyone to become a filmmaker.

Heres an example of websites available especially for independent filmmakers:

Most independent filmmakers count on film festivals to get their films seen, noticed and sold for distribution, filmmakers have a chance to get there films seen by mass audiences. However, the Internet has allowed for relatively inexpensive distribution of independent films; many filmmakers post their films online for analysis, review, feedback and recognition. Although you’re most likely to not profit in this, a filmmaker can still gain exposure through the web.
An example of a independent film distribution network.

This clip shows the argument of the advantages and disadvantages of both film and digital technology

This is a very informative clip as it explains the impact of digital technology and how the involvement of the interenet.

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